Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mad Mel Gibson...

     Mel Gibson has been involved in a horrible scandal ever since those "alleged" abusive recordings have been made public.  The latest polls taken have shown that there is very little impact on whether people go watch his movies.  About 75% of the people polled said that the recordings would not determine whether or not they watch him on the big screen.  The poll was conducted as a joint venture involving Vanity Fair and 60 Minutes.  Of course, his movies include "Braveheart" and "The Passion of The Christ" but should he be forgiven for such outrageous outbursts?  Let's not forget that this wasn't the first time that his mouth got him in trouble.  He made some anti-Jew comments to a California police officer in 2006.
     He has two movies that are about to come out, "The Beaver" and How I Spent My Summer Vacation."  The last movie that he put out "Edge of Darkness" didn't do so well at the box office.  So do people really not care about what he has "alleged" said?  I say alleged only because the case has gone to trial yet.  When you hear the tapes there is no mistaking that it's his voice.  After the racial slurs, anti-Jew comments, degrading and verbally abusive nature of his messages, does he deserve a second(actually third) chance? Take a listen and then you tell me what you think.
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