Monday, February 21, 2011

Let Everyone Read Your Blog...

     Hello, this is definitely one tool that you will want to add to your blog.  Google translate will convert your entire blog into most other languages so international readers can understand your blog.  I posted this because a blogger friend ran into this very issue.  Below is everything you need from

Add Translate to your website

Add Google's website translator to your webpages, and offer instant access to automatic translation of the pages. Adding the website translator is quick and easy. Get started with our wizard below:

Step 1: Type of translation element

Step 2: Language

Step 3: Show optional settingsHide optional settings


Powered byTranslate
  Powered byTranslate

Step 4: Copy and paste this snippet of code into your webpage

Preview your page

     You can simply add this code just as you add any other widget to your blog; copy and paste it.  If you have any questions then please leave them in the comment section. Thanks!
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